Friday, February 06, 2015

wow, I forgot how to blog !

Ok, so how long has it been since the last post? ..... I think 2009
Guess what, I'm back
Winter weather still happening here in Iowa. we got approximately 11 inches of snow on Superbowl Sunday weekend. Go SeaHawks! : (
Trying to attach a few pics (nature at

Friday, January 16, 2009

The hottest trend in 2009: declaring bankruptcy

File it under; B A N K R U P T C Y

Bankrupt Circuit City Stores Inc., the nation's second-biggest consumer electronics retailer, said Friday it failed to find a buyer and will liquidate its 567 U.S. stores. The closures could send another 30,000 people into the ranks of the unemployed.

Lehman Brothers, filed for bankruptcy protection and hurtled toward liquidation after it failed to find a buyer.

In one of the most dramatic days in Wall Street’s history, Merrill Lynch agreed to sell itself on Sunday to Bank of America for roughly $50 billion to avert a deepening financial crisis.

A potentially market-rattling bankruptcy filing by American International Group (AIG Quote - Cramer on AIG - Stock Picks) forced federal officials to reverse course and pursue a costly bailout of the insurance giant late Tuesday.
AIG will receive an $85 billion bridge loan from the Federal Reserve aimed at keeping the giant insurer out of bankruptcy and preventing the acceleration of a world credit crisis.

Over the last 52 weeks the stock has ranged from a low of $8.78 to a high of $70.85. Principal Financial Group stock has been showing support around $12.32 and resistance in the $15.58 range. Technical indicators for the stock are neutral and S&P gives PFG a neutral rating.
Well, 2008 went out hard on a lot of people and their jobs. 2009 hasn't started out any better, with unemployment reaching a new high. I wish you all well, and I hope we see a change for the better in our economy soon. Lord knows I need it now.

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" Brace for Impact "

January 15 2009`

Plane full of people taken down after hiting flock of birds.....

people standing on "wings"

Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger
The pilot of US Airways Flight 1549 who gave passengers the chilling command “brace for impact”

The pilot of Flight 1549 was Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger III, 57, of Danville, Calif., he may have been behind the yoke guiding the plane in, and he may be considered a 'hero' today, but it was truly the hand of God that saved Mr. Sullenberger and the other 154 passendgers.

Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into the barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Who is your hero?

BEFORE the end.....shouldn't we all be bracing for impact ?!?

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

the "Forgotten Entry"

Brooke Weatherly-Smith 2008

did I forget to mention I have a cousin who lives in Davenport Iowa who is currently modeling and working NASCAR Raceway's at a track near you. She can't be reached at {515} stop trying!

Her Favorite Song: KC & Sunshine Band "please don't go"

Her Favorite Wine: Waaaaaaaaaaaa Wa Wa Wa

Her Favorite Color: mint green chocolate chip raspberry red carmel brown banana yellow snow color like sand textured pink

Her Motto: Spring is almost here , so stop bitching

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Picture That

CLICK PICTURES for the BIG picture!

Halloween 2008 Doctor~MotoCross

Home Sweet Home


Brud & Alecia

Bill & Sue / Mom & Dad Mintle


Ello` Paiger's

CLICK PICTURES for the BIG picture!

New 6 String

T`Day 2008

Christmas 2008

The Weatherly's

Wood`Pecker Pecked Tree


Tis the Season

I don't even remember how we got to 2009 already. I am still waiting on Thanksgiving to arrive!

Thanksgiving 2008 was quite different than in the past 44 years. This was the first year I can remember not having my parents & my Brother with me. It was a strange feeling, and I know it was no fun for my parents either. They both were watching over one another, as my Dad was just getting through his second lower back operation to fix a 'scar tissue' issue that has been dragging on. The first operation didn't give us the results we had hoped for, and as of now {Jan. 8th 09} it looks as though the second operation is dragging it's heals as far as a nice painless quick healing goes. Hang in there Dad..........I have God on it for you now.....your new daily prescription is to take one God every 24 hours, and you should see a big difference in the end.

Aunt Monie & Uncle Paul did a great job giving us all a great Thanksgiving dinner, we all missed Mom & Dad.......and we are looking forward to making it up at Thanksgiving 2009!

Christmas...............was Christmas already here too? I love the Holiday Seasons, I just don't ever remember them going by so fast, and so ''spiritless' as it did in 2008. I was in the Holy Spirit of things, just not the Holiday Spirit this year. It all started back when I was hanging Christmas lights on the exterior of the house. That day I was in the spirit because my Son kept after me to get off the couch and hang some Christmas lights..........which I started doing at 4pm that afternoon. The neighbor kid went to get his Dads ladder to help, and that was when the Christmas Curse of 2008 started! After he returned from the ER and a couple of Dr appointments later.........he still had all his digits in tact! If I had only stayed on the couch.
....and you know how it went from there by my earlier post. I already miss the seasons, and I miss Uncle Jim too.

Saying "See You Later" can be hard!

We had to say "see you later" to my Uncle Jim Sanders on January 1st 2009.
Jim suffered a heart attack back on December 24th 08`, and after being shocked 18 times, he looked as though he was recovering normally.......until a valve in his heart tore loose on Tuesday December 30th 08`, allowing his lungs to fill with liquid. He was put on a ventilator and heavily sedated, but his call to come home came about 9:45am on the morning of January 1st.
My Brother Rod and I spoke some words at Uncle Jim's grave site service on Tuesday January 7th. The following is what I said to Uncle Jim and the family:
Uncle Jim
I am both nervous and honored to do this ( bare with me if I stumble through it )
We all know what kind of man Uncle Jim was…….and Sunday was a true testimonial to that.
To be in your 70’s and have that kind of turn out at your viewing just goes to show that Uncle Jim made and kept friends with the people he came in contact with throughout his life.
We all have been really blessed to have grown up in this family…..and we need to continue to make time for each other……Uncle Jim really enjoyed Family Gathering….gatherings for any reason! (even if it happened to be in a hospital waiting room)…. Uncle Jim didn’t attend the cook-outs for the food…..he was there because it was another chance to be with family. Family is what really matters, it did for Uncle Jim and it always should for us. It’s not about property and wealth, it’s about family and health…..because without either of those, we have nothing.
This family is awesome….it’s awesome how everyone pulls together during any crisis that may arise, we should all be very grateful for the ones that are standing next to you right now. {and the ones that could not make it today} We all have been given some great memories to reflect on…….anyone have one they want to share right now??
I know we all questioned why…..why was he taken from us? Why did he have to go now? When things like this happen, it can really test our faith. …….but we have to remember, God’s ways are not our ways, it’s God’s master plan that we follow and we must trust that he took this action for reasons which make sense to him.

Lets say a prayer for Jimmie: and the family
Skip: Your Heavenly Father, lift up the heavy hearts that are here today, comfort us through this time of sadness…and also help us hold on to the great memories we have …and also let each of us know that someday, when we too are in Heaven, the question of “why”…. will be revealed to us; we will understand and be satisfied with your explanation of why Uncle Jim and others before him were called home early.
We ask that you watch over us all, and guide us, so that we may have a fruitful and blessed life…….life is a precious gift, and we thank you for it…..and we thank you for the time we had with Uncle Jim… you have him……and we know he is both healthy and happy in your home.
Rod : { or we both read the above prayer together in unison } your call!
Both : in our Heavenly Fathers name, AMEN

Thursday, November 06, 2008

November 4th 2008 Election


oh well, guess the entire world will watch and see where this ''leader'' leads us. Barack Hussein Obama is the new commander in chief for at least the next -4- years. The very next day after the election, Russia seems to have drawn a line-in-the-sand with the US......lets see what our very liberal leader will do with that! I can only guess China will also somehow, some way challenge the US pretty soon. Here we have a guy that will be doing all he can to pull ALL our troops out of the middle east, and then on the other hand, other countries will start to bully us as they know we have a leader that has no real back-bone for standing up AGAINST the enemy.......he would rather invite them into our country to play tiddly-winks or some crap!.....and then share the wealth with them too! OOPS! I meant re-distribute the wealth...........................I do wish him luck though, because if he has none, neither will our country.

Monday, October 20, 2008

"Hump Day" the day before.....

did I mention Tuesday October 21 is the day Rolo will be neutered?!?

.....and he hasn't even had a chance to use em` yet ....well, sort of.

{to see video, click on the play arrow}

I tried to help Chase {after lauging attack}

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Gone to the Dogs


we have a cat (and have had "Jet" for a long long time) two fish, and two teenagers, but I thought it was time we tried having a dog too. We tried this in the past, but like they say, it takes a village to raise a "Reba" , and our neighbors to the North of us took Reba under their wings, and did a fine job with her, but this time were going to try it from start to finish within our own property lines.

After searching around the Iowa area, I came across a dog (a LabraDoodle) named after a candy bar! The whole litter of pups was named after candy bars.........and another litter after the 7 dwarfs, and yet another litter after Santa's reindeer's. He is currently about 20 lbs., and expected to get to around 50~60 lbs.
We brought "Rolo" into our lives on Wed. October 8th at 6:15pm. Rolo came from Abra Dabra Doodle in Johnston, Ia, from a family of 9 puppies. He was born on June 26 2008, and as of October 20th 08`, it's as though he has been in our lives for much longer!

He had his first [and last --due to our weather changing to WINTER] time out camping with us October 17th ~ 19th 08`.....and he was perfect. He seems to love being around people, and needs this, as he gets bored pretty fast when alone.

I am glad we brought Rolo into our home, as I think the rest of the family feels the same one has any serious issues with him as of today!


he is scheduled for 'marble removal' on Tuesday he's going to be real happy with me the rest of the week!

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CAMPING I thinks it's all over for 2008 season!


we had fun camping with multiple families again this camping season.............but I hate to see it end! I guess we are going to put our camper into "storage-mode" this week [as is everyone else], and get ready to hibernate until spring 2009`. I love being outdoors in the early fall, but not a huge fan of the 'cold'......but I am a fan of having lot's of snow IF it's going to be cold out anyhow!

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Talladega Bound October 2nd ~ 5th 2008

Go Clint Boyer #07

Tailgating is a must .....right?


another race date has came and went. It was sort of a farewell tour of sorts for me. I have attended about 8 Talladega fall races back to back, then a couple of Texas Mtr. Speedway races back to back, then I went to no NASCAR events in 2007, and then me and three buddies decided to trek back to Talladega for the 2008 fall race.

Well it was well worth it, and upon returning home, maybe this wasn't my last trek to the deep south! .....well have to just wait and see!

I will attach some photos from race weekend. We watched a demo~derby race put on Friday by the ARCA boys [the race went well into the sunset hours - and Tally has no lights], Saturdays Truck race was smooth sailing for the most part, and Sundays Cup race was a bit of a demo~derby too, with the race having not one but two red flags! The second red flag stoppage also took out most of the top Cup contenders......and the #88 of Dale Jr. [which I had in our picks].

..ok, back later to add more, we have a football game to attend right now.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The problem with the "Spike Lee's" of this world is,

Spike Lee's film angers Italy's surviving partisans

Wednesday October 1 12:46 PM

......hate to say it, but I'm no fan of this guy at all.......

Nor his two fellow 'racial tension' stirring friends Al & Jessie. All three of these guys just try to keep racial tensions high, so that they can profit somehow someway from it all. They are nothing but cold blooded opprotunist! If they weren't, they would look for 'other topics' to debate-cry-& anger people about.....such as where our economy is currently headed, the poor and hungry, the number of homeless people we have due to acts of Mother Nature. But it always seems that anything they have their hands on puts races against each other..... whites against blacks, browns against blacks, and at times, even blacks against blacks! Is that how it should be? I don't think that was the master plan! What was it Rodney King said: ..." can't we all just get along"? Oh yea, where is Rodney now?
Rodney King made a big splash into the public consiousness in 1991 by being in the wrong place at the wrong time (and the wrong colour of skin) as he was brutally beaten by LA Police officers who were unwittingly being video taped the entire time.
Before it was over a sensational media fracas dragged on for months and climaxed in an apocalyptic race riot that enveloped south central LA for days, killing 55 and injuring thousands.
King was awarded 3.8 million in damages in a civil suit and in 1997 started a record label "called 'Straight Alta-Pazz".
In 1998 that label released an album "Stranded".
In 1999 he was convicted of spouse abuse, sentenced to 90 days in jail and 4 years probation.
In 2001 he was ordered to undergo a year of drug treatment after pleading guilty to 3 counts of being under the influence of PCP and indecent exposure.
In April 2003 he was suspected to be under the influence when he crashed an SUV into a house, breaking his pelvis.
October 2003: Rodney charged with punching his girlfriend.
If you’re not a news junkie you probably didn’t notice that Rodney King was arrested again. He was speeding at 100 miles an hour, high on PCP, when he ran a red light in Rialto, California on August 27. It is just a matter of luck that King hasn’t killed someone yet.
Rodney King is now broke.
How can you go broke on $3.8 million? Let’s say, for the sake of this example, King had to pay his lawyers a million dollars in legal fees. If he had put the remaining money in the bank in a long-term savings account it would have netted him a six-figure income for the rest of his life -- without requiring a stitch of work to get it.
'' either way, no man deserved to be beat like he was, no matter what race he is.