Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tis the Season

I don't even remember how we got to 2009 already. I am still waiting on Thanksgiving to arrive!

Thanksgiving 2008 was quite different than in the past 44 years. This was the first year I can remember not having my parents & my Brother with me. It was a strange feeling, and I know it was no fun for my parents either. They both were watching over one another, as my Dad was just getting through his second lower back operation to fix a 'scar tissue' issue that has been dragging on. The first operation didn't give us the results we had hoped for, and as of now {Jan. 8th 09} it looks as though the second operation is dragging it's heals as far as a nice painless quick healing goes. Hang in there Dad..........I have God on it for you now.....your new daily prescription is to take one God every 24 hours, and you should see a big difference in the end.

Aunt Monie & Uncle Paul did a great job giving us all a great Thanksgiving dinner, we all missed Mom & Dad.......and we are looking forward to making it up at Thanksgiving 2009!

Christmas...............was Christmas already here too? I love the Holiday Seasons, I just don't ever remember them going by so fast, and so ''spiritless' as it did in 2008. I was in the Holy Spirit of things, just not the Holiday Spirit this year. It all started back when I was hanging Christmas lights on the exterior of the house. That day I was in the spirit because my Son kept after me to get off the couch and hang some Christmas lights..........which I started doing at 4pm that afternoon. The neighbor kid went to get his Dads ladder to help, and that was when the Christmas Curse of 2008 started! After he returned from the ER and a couple of Dr appointments later.........he still had all his digits in tact! If I had only stayed on the couch.
....and you know how it went from there by my earlier post. I already miss the seasons, and I miss Uncle Jim too.


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