Thursday, January 08, 2009

Saying "See You Later" can be hard!

We had to say "see you later" to my Uncle Jim Sanders on January 1st 2009.
Jim suffered a heart attack back on December 24th 08`, and after being shocked 18 times, he looked as though he was recovering normally.......until a valve in his heart tore loose on Tuesday December 30th 08`, allowing his lungs to fill with liquid. He was put on a ventilator and heavily sedated, but his call to come home came about 9:45am on the morning of January 1st.
My Brother Rod and I spoke some words at Uncle Jim's grave site service on Tuesday January 7th. The following is what I said to Uncle Jim and the family:
Uncle Jim
I am both nervous and honored to do this ( bare with me if I stumble through it )
We all know what kind of man Uncle Jim was…….and Sunday was a true testimonial to that.
To be in your 70’s and have that kind of turn out at your viewing just goes to show that Uncle Jim made and kept friends with the people he came in contact with throughout his life.
We all have been really blessed to have grown up in this family…..and we need to continue to make time for each other……Uncle Jim really enjoyed Family Gathering….gatherings for any reason! (even if it happened to be in a hospital waiting room)…. Uncle Jim didn’t attend the cook-outs for the food…..he was there because it was another chance to be with family. Family is what really matters, it did for Uncle Jim and it always should for us. It’s not about property and wealth, it’s about family and health…..because without either of those, we have nothing.
This family is awesome….it’s awesome how everyone pulls together during any crisis that may arise, we should all be very grateful for the ones that are standing next to you right now. {and the ones that could not make it today} We all have been given some great memories to reflect on…….anyone have one they want to share right now??
I know we all questioned why…..why was he taken from us? Why did he have to go now? When things like this happen, it can really test our faith. …….but we have to remember, God’s ways are not our ways, it’s God’s master plan that we follow and we must trust that he took this action for reasons which make sense to him.

Lets say a prayer for Jimmie: and the family
Skip: Your Heavenly Father, lift up the heavy hearts that are here today, comfort us through this time of sadness…and also help us hold on to the great memories we have …and also let each of us know that someday, when we too are in Heaven, the question of “why”…. will be revealed to us; we will understand and be satisfied with your explanation of why Uncle Jim and others before him were called home early.
We ask that you watch over us all, and guide us, so that we may have a fruitful and blessed life…….life is a precious gift, and we thank you for it…..and we thank you for the time we had with Uncle Jim… you have him……and we know he is both healthy and happy in your home.
Rod : { or we both read the above prayer together in unison } your call!
Both : in our Heavenly Fathers name, AMEN


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