Monday, October 20, 2008

"Hump Day" the day before.....

did I mention Tuesday October 21 is the day Rolo will be neutered?!?

.....and he hasn't even had a chance to use em` yet ....well, sort of.

{to see video, click on the play arrow}

I tried to help Chase {after lauging attack}

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Gone to the Dogs


we have a cat (and have had "Jet" for a long long time) two fish, and two teenagers, but I thought it was time we tried having a dog too. We tried this in the past, but like they say, it takes a village to raise a "Reba" , and our neighbors to the North of us took Reba under their wings, and did a fine job with her, but this time were going to try it from start to finish within our own property lines.

After searching around the Iowa area, I came across a dog (a LabraDoodle) named after a candy bar! The whole litter of pups was named after candy bars.........and another litter after the 7 dwarfs, and yet another litter after Santa's reindeer's. He is currently about 20 lbs., and expected to get to around 50~60 lbs.
We brought "Rolo" into our lives on Wed. October 8th at 6:15pm. Rolo came from Abra Dabra Doodle in Johnston, Ia, from a family of 9 puppies. He was born on June 26 2008, and as of October 20th 08`, it's as though he has been in our lives for much longer!

He had his first [and last --due to our weather changing to WINTER] time out camping with us October 17th ~ 19th 08`.....and he was perfect. He seems to love being around people, and needs this, as he gets bored pretty fast when alone.

I am glad we brought Rolo into our home, as I think the rest of the family feels the same one has any serious issues with him as of today!


he is scheduled for 'marble removal' on Tuesday he's going to be real happy with me the rest of the week!

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CAMPING I thinks it's all over for 2008 season!


we had fun camping with multiple families again this camping season.............but I hate to see it end! I guess we are going to put our camper into "storage-mode" this week [as is everyone else], and get ready to hibernate until spring 2009`. I love being outdoors in the early fall, but not a huge fan of the 'cold'......but I am a fan of having lot's of snow IF it's going to be cold out anyhow!

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Talladega Bound October 2nd ~ 5th 2008

Go Clint Boyer #07

Tailgating is a must .....right?


another race date has came and went. It was sort of a farewell tour of sorts for me. I have attended about 8 Talladega fall races back to back, then a couple of Texas Mtr. Speedway races back to back, then I went to no NASCAR events in 2007, and then me and three buddies decided to trek back to Talladega for the 2008 fall race.

Well it was well worth it, and upon returning home, maybe this wasn't my last trek to the deep south! .....well have to just wait and see!

I will attach some photos from race weekend. We watched a demo~derby race put on Friday by the ARCA boys [the race went well into the sunset hours - and Tally has no lights], Saturdays Truck race was smooth sailing for the most part, and Sundays Cup race was a bit of a demo~derby too, with the race having not one but two red flags! The second red flag stoppage also took out most of the top Cup contenders......and the #88 of Dale Jr. [which I had in our picks].

..ok, back later to add more, we have a football game to attend right now.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The problem with the "Spike Lee's" of this world is,

Spike Lee's film angers Italy's surviving partisans

Wednesday October 1 12:46 PM

......hate to say it, but I'm no fan of this guy at all.......

Nor his two fellow 'racial tension' stirring friends Al & Jessie. All three of these guys just try to keep racial tensions high, so that they can profit somehow someway from it all. They are nothing but cold blooded opprotunist! If they weren't, they would look for 'other topics' to debate-cry-& anger people about.....such as where our economy is currently headed, the poor and hungry, the number of homeless people we have due to acts of Mother Nature. But it always seems that anything they have their hands on puts races against each other..... whites against blacks, browns against blacks, and at times, even blacks against blacks! Is that how it should be? I don't think that was the master plan! What was it Rodney King said: ..." can't we all just get along"? Oh yea, where is Rodney now?
Rodney King made a big splash into the public consiousness in 1991 by being in the wrong place at the wrong time (and the wrong colour of skin) as he was brutally beaten by LA Police officers who were unwittingly being video taped the entire time.
Before it was over a sensational media fracas dragged on for months and climaxed in an apocalyptic race riot that enveloped south central LA for days, killing 55 and injuring thousands.
King was awarded 3.8 million in damages in a civil suit and in 1997 started a record label "called 'Straight Alta-Pazz".
In 1998 that label released an album "Stranded".
In 1999 he was convicted of spouse abuse, sentenced to 90 days in jail and 4 years probation.
In 2001 he was ordered to undergo a year of drug treatment after pleading guilty to 3 counts of being under the influence of PCP and indecent exposure.
In April 2003 he was suspected to be under the influence when he crashed an SUV into a house, breaking his pelvis.
October 2003: Rodney charged with punching his girlfriend.
If you’re not a news junkie you probably didn’t notice that Rodney King was arrested again. He was speeding at 100 miles an hour, high on PCP, when he ran a red light in Rialto, California on August 27. It is just a matter of luck that King hasn’t killed someone yet.
Rodney King is now broke.
How can you go broke on $3.8 million? Let’s say, for the sake of this example, King had to pay his lawyers a million dollars in legal fees. If he had put the remaining money in the bank in a long-term savings account it would have netted him a six-figure income for the rest of his life -- without requiring a stitch of work to get it.
'' either way, no man deserved to be beat like he was, no matter what race he is.