Thursday, November 06, 2008

November 4th 2008 Election


oh well, guess the entire world will watch and see where this ''leader'' leads us. Barack Hussein Obama is the new commander in chief for at least the next -4- years. The very next day after the election, Russia seems to have drawn a line-in-the-sand with the US......lets see what our very liberal leader will do with that! I can only guess China will also somehow, some way challenge the US pretty soon. Here we have a guy that will be doing all he can to pull ALL our troops out of the middle east, and then on the other hand, other countries will start to bully us as they know we have a leader that has no real back-bone for standing up AGAINST the enemy.......he would rather invite them into our country to play tiddly-winks or some crap!.....and then share the wealth with them too! OOPS! I meant re-distribute the wealth...........................I do wish him luck though, because if he has none, neither will our country.